Thursday, December 30, 2010

Im thinking of YOU !

Tonight was too bored ! Hmm nothing to do at all . Mata dah ngntuk but then , tabole lelap . Nta lahhh . Asek ingt dea jeh . Hadoy ! Mataa , tidoe lhaa ngeng . Aku ngntuk lah . Hahaha :D So , I pegy amek lappy bawak masuk bilik and do onlinee . Huu . Tak bole tidoe pny pasal . Im just do walling dgn Xaty , Eyhaa , Naddy and Yeen :) Haa tade lhaa boring sgt doh . Lagilagi wall dgn budak Eyhaa niy . Jadi gilaa aku . Hahaha :D 

Adek aku pulak ntaa kemane . Dari ptg tadi kluaa , tak balikbalik . Mama tak membebel pulak -_______- Kalau aku , huh ! Tak abesabes duk mengcall aku suh balik umaa . Haihh . 

Hmm , talking about him . Im just waiting for him . Maybe he want some time to calm down . Yeaaaah , he still mad to me . Okay , Im wait dear . I give you time okay :)

감사합니다 :)

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